Dec 1, 2008

We Need a LIttle Christmas

I had the house pretty much decorated two days prior to Thanksgiving. It's actually totally against everything that I believe in regarding getting ready for Christmas, but with Thanksgiving being so late this year, I had to go ahead and get started. So, I decorated early and let the girls help a little along the way. Meanwhile, as I ran around like a chicken, the girls had a good time playing around with my shoes and getting into all sorts of trouble throughout the house.

Of course, I had to get the pictures of the girls in front of the tree with their precious Christmas clothes. As you can see, the girls just didn't really cooperate. Kindof funny trying to snap photos of the girls with little AB running all over the house.

Look - there she is... and there she goes!

She's back again... just not looking at the camera

And the one usable photo didn't have Anne Bailey in it at all.

Anne Bailey did cooperate with the annual Santa photo.

And after the fun, it was time for some playing with Mommy and Daddy's shoes.