Aug 6, 2008

Read in Silence - Incognito Even... without your Co-Workers Noticing

So, it's been pointed out that the music on the blog is rather overwhelming in an office setting... perhaps Yea Alabama by the Million Dollar Band was a bit over the top (24 days, Roll Tide).  So, I've made the decision to remove the music. For all my procrastinating, blog-stalking friends out there.  Now you can surf to your hearts content without your co-workers knowing what you are doing.  Read away and escape into the blog world where you don't have to think about that memo or your crazy client or even the stop sign you just ran (that's for our friends reading on their blackberries).  

On a different note - does anyone check their own blog?  I find myself re-reading what I wrote... flipping through the pictures, etc.  Perhaps a bit too much delving into the depths of my mind... or my egocentric self.  Oh well, as I was saying - Music is gone, not forgotten, but gone none-the-less.