Aug 23, 2008

Casino Night - Goofing around with Friends

Alan and Elizabeth were kind enough to invite John and I to tag along to AIDS Alabama's Red Hot Casino night at WorkPlay.  We had a great time and got a little goofy at the Blackjack table with the camera. 

Funny enough, John was complimented on "winning the prize and being the best dressed man in the room." We think Jim was trying to pick him up.  
Here he is with our friend Alan - not Jim.

I didn't really catch on that we were supposed to make silly faces.

Super model posing. Elizabeth could actually pass - me, not so much.

In that it was an AIDS Alabama event, there were a lot of "alternative lifestyle" friends there.  Elizabeth and I just played along.  She's having my baby and we're very happy. 

Kiki and Doodal (not pictured, obviously) were also able to come.  Kiki is apparently a Blackjack SUPERSTAR player and taught the rest of us the ropes.