Ahhhh, the smell of the water, the wind coming over the Bay and bringing with it the smell of sunscreen and seafood on the grille. The sound of my nephews and daughters gleefully playing on the beach and in the little boat that cajuns call a "pirogue." A day on magnolia river. A lunch at LuLus. Waiting on the fishermen to come home. Searching for crabs in the grass. Hunting fiddler crabs. Well, these are the things I was raised with and the life that I plan to raise our girls knowing.
I took the girls for a four day get-away at the Bay this weekend. We left the house once by car (well twice if you include going to dinner at the Blue Marlin) - the rest of the time by boat, but most of the weekend was spent on the beach or the porch with the kids and Mother and Amy just spending time together and watching to world go by.
Perhaps it wasn't smart for me to step away from McWane so close to the Super Power Party, but well, I did it. John got a bachelor's weekend and spent some time with friends, studying, cleaning the house and being in the quiet. I think we both enjoyed our weekends.
Here are some pics from the weekend. Enjoy!
Never having met a stranger, Ellabee made fast friends with a little girl named Lilly whom she said we would be seeing "yesterday"... meaning, tomorrow.
Anne Bailey is a bit fearless on the boat. She refused to be held and when we were in the river (and the adults felt it safe to let her do so), she stood at our feet while we held her lifejacket and "surfed". Seriously, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out for balance and a big smile on her face.
Perhaps a new tradition I could get use to. while the men cleaned the fish, the ladies sat on the beach watching the children and drinking champagne - hey, it's five o'clock somewhere... and well, it was almost five in this picture.
Hanging out on the swinging beds on the porch.
Ready for the boat. Hat on my head and snack trap in my hand.
Anne Bailey took right to the sand and much to the shagrin of her momma and the bath tub, she stayed coated in wet sand!
Anne Bailey also loved sitting at the picnic table on the beach. Many a picnic was held here this weekend.