Feb 28, 2008

What the Flu looks like

Well, Ellabee calls it "The Flubes" but I call it HORRID! It's 5:09 and I would just like to say that I opened the wine bottle at 3:48. The worst of it is that John is in Selma tonight for a fundraiser with the Hospital so here I sit, nursing my glass of wine ($2.97 Oak Leaf from Wal-mart - the South's very own version of 2 buck chuck). The weird thing is that they girls are playing and act like they are fine and then the next minute they are in a heap on the floor throwing a fit - actually, that is happening right now as I type at my feet with Miss Anne Bailey. Anyway, I shot some pictures of what the Flubes looks like at the Stone house!

And on a different note, I'm typing at you tonight from our new computer!!!! We broke down and bought a home PC that we can use for pictures, blogging, iTunes and for the girls to play. WOO HOO!

They are being creative at least and making up games to play together - this is called,
"Hey Anne Bailey, push me around the playroom"

All would look normal to an outsider...

But then she comes for a "pick up" and ...

And just like that, it all falls apart and this is the flip side of "happy but sick" Anne Bailey.