Well, several changes since I last blogged. I've been toying with both these ideas for a while but couldn't really talk about one for obvious reasons and the other I was too chicken to try. When my husband asked me this past week when I was going to start my business, I said (much in the flippant way I normally do things) "Right now". And off the business went! I'm switching jobs and starting an at home business and doing it all at once - in true Molly form. Not sure what I'm getting myself into, but it should be fun!
First, my new job! I'm heading off to Restoration Academy at the start of May! SOOO excited about going back into ministry and working at a school where they are having an impact in the community. I am learning more and more about the school and more and more God is confirming to me that this is truly where he wants me. I just hope to remain open to His guidance and reliance on his provision!
On the other side of the coin (and kindof in that whole provision thing), I've started my own little sewing business and calling it Shrimp & Grits Boutique. We just love the water and love the Bay and I love this picture of Ellabee at the Bay a couple of years ago: For some reason, it just screamed of "Shrimp and Grits" and that's how I chose the name. I'm excited to have the opportunity to share my love of sewing with others and hopefully make a little extra cash along the way... Check out the blog for Shrimp & Grits and let me know if you need anything! I guess I'm going to need to find an applique of a shrimp - not too sure what a "Grit" would look like - perhaps a dot.
More to report on the girls, etc but for right now - happy day light savings time everyone!
5 years ago