Gone are the days of leisurely strolls down the aisles of Parisians - for that matter, gone are the days of Parisian! Gone are the days of a quiet lunch with friends where we talk about our husbands and the best place to go for a beer. Gone are the days where we catch up on each others lives... now, we're IN each others lives. Here are the days of cramming three strollers (two of which are double) in an elevator. Stopping ten times on the way to Parisians to tell the children NOT to scream in the mall. Getting into the store and having to look from afar to see if anything catches your eye because your stroller can't get through the little store aisles. Here are the days of having a 3 year old melt down in the middle of the mall, carrying her out by her wrist and just pleasantly smiling to the onlookers as you pass by. I don't miss those days, but I do realize how I took them for granted.
Anne Bailey has just taken a 2 1/2 hour nap... I found myself standing outside her door 30 minutes ago just to see if she was stirring. Meanwhile, I've decided that I am truly addicted to food. I started Weight Watchers, AGAIN, yesterday. I'm starving and I'm thinking of things in my pantry that I could probably cram down my throat in vast quantities right now. This is the hard part - trying to get past the HUNGER or the habit really of eating when bored. John doesn't have this problem... is it a woman thing? I think it's a Dobson thing.
Anne Bailey is six months. WOW. Six months ago we had her and it seems like we've never been without our girls. Here are some pics from the girls.
Anne Bailey at 6 months