Apr 5, 2009

Random Things

Come Lord Jesus... But before you come. I want some chickens. OK, I did some research and I can have 3 chickens in the city. I don't want a rooster, just three hens. We've already got some hens here, why can't we have 3 more? Besides, at 6 months, they start producing a egg a day. and they're hearty animals... something that the girls can't kill. Not that they've killed anything or something like that... but still. John said I can't have them. Well, he didn't say "no." He just said he'd divorce me if I came home with chickens.

I have really decided that I just want a farm, in the middle of the city. Not big farm animals, just chickens... and perhaps a goat... and then a garden. I did start the process of getting my garden ready for this season. I already planted my peas and now I have to go cover them since there's a cold snap tonight and tomorrow.

I'm trying my hand at farming right here in the heart of Southside. I've had to get a little creative in where I plant things and how we do it considering our dirt is red clay and shale... and I have about a 12 foot strip of sun... and then there's this issue of the fact that our backyard is 20 x 30 feet with a 14x14 deck in the middle of that. More to follow about how it's progressing. The peas are in (like I said) and the herbs are planted in my cool stacking planter. I have squash, peppers, zinnas and hanging tomatos to go next - but those don't go in until Good Friday.

Check it out - the perfect answer to my space problem. Basil, Thyme, dill and rosemary are planted here, mint is going on top when I find the seeds.

A new take on a container, raised planter garden. Paint buckets, with holes drilled in. Peas are in the ground with individual pea teepees. Mulch will go in around the pots to provide some insulation from the summer heat. Planting the rest of the seeds Good Friday.

In addition to our garden, I've been sewing a WHOLE lot too. It's an amazing blessing had has really confirmed me reducing some of my commitments this month. I'm working on some new designs for custom sewing... check in for more.

Finally, another confirmation that we're made for community. I've been longing more and more for it lately. The need to be with other women and men on this journey. I've wondered where this longing was born from. I now it's the deep desire of every man / woman to know and be known... but I thought it was just a societal thing that put it there. Today, when discussing whether or not we'd go to church (AB is fighting off a cold and we're all pretty whipped) and Ellabee chimed in, "But mommy, we have to go. That's MY community". Precious.