something has happened to my blog and for some reason I can't get to the import photo section - etc. if anyone has suggestions, HELP!
Jul 12, 2009
Jun 22, 2009
From New Delhi, India to Prescott, Alabama
The past few weeks have been somewhat of a blur. Well, the month of May would definitely qualify in that category. We were out of town for three consecutive weekends and interspersed in that madness, the girls went to Tallahassee for an entire week with their grandparents. Fun was had by all but boy are we exhausted. June has been a bit more laid back but there have still been some fun times in the mix. We’ve been really enjoying our time on the bikes. The girls are asking to go on bike rides now and while the last 30 minutes are me behind the trailer yelling at them to stop fighting, they want to go every other day.
Our sweet friend Miss Lauren is getting marred in the fall to a great guy who happens to be Indian. For their engagement party, they had a Sangeet. A traditional Hindi ceremony (I really have NO CLUE what I’m talking about, actually), they had a ring ceremony where his family welcomes her into the fold. Everyone had on such bright colors. The food was fantastic and the dancers stole the show. The girls loved every bit of it and I felt (somewhat pride-fully, I admit) pretty proud that we were able to give them this cultural experience.
The day after the Sangeet, I headed to camp for our annual week reliving my childhood. Last summer and again this summer I took Ellabee for a part of the time. It was perhaps the hottest I've ever felt at camp. For the love - the heat index was 105 - 110 degrees... You would sweat just sitting still.Regardless of the heat, though... we were at camp and there is never a more lovely place. I'm exhausted of course from late nights, all day sweating and never much time to sit still, but I already miss it and can't wait until next year. The best night of the
Posted by the stones at 8:25 PM
Jun 6, 2009
The Start of Summer
June 1st... June 1st means summer is here. I've been enjoying the sounds and smells of summer since April but June seals the deal. My children have really been sealing the craziness lately. I think it's the age... a 2 year old and a 5 year old.
Some takes on the first six days of summer:
I started back on Weight Watchers. I'm hungry and irritable. But I'm also losing so that's good. In our family devotion time two nights ago John prayed for my diet... Ellabee quickly corrected him. "It's not a diet Daddy. It's a lifestyle change." In an effort to help my lifestyle change, John bought me a bike - an early birthday present. We also got a trailer for the kiddos to ride behind me as I go... it can be a family affair. My God my butt hurts.
The start of summer also means that our neighbors are back on the front porches, stoops and in our yards daily (if not hourly). I love our close knit community and the summer nights (in fact, even tonight) are spent drinking a glass of wine on Gran D's porch or eating dinner on ours. God plopped us right in the middle of a motley crew, that's for sure. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The ice cream truck has been a staple in the hood for the past week - every day. We wonder if he'll ever get a new song... but to watch the Stone girls lose it when they hear the carousel music ringing through the neighborhood is a sight to behold. It's hilarious and youc an't help but allow them their desired treat
Posted by the stones at 9:13 PM
Jun 1, 2009
Reflections on the American Girl Doll Store
For some reason unknown... well, known only to God... we drove the 1 hour trip Southeast to the city of Atlanta where, among other things, there is the American Girl Store. We decided that the weekend had put the girls in a position that they really couldn't be expected to handle well and they handled it as well as can be expected. so, off to the American Girl Store we went.
What a trip - of course we chose the day they released the new American Girl doll (Rebecca, it would have it) and EVERY child in Atlanta with their parent was there. Here are some pictures of the kiddos with their babies.
Posted by the stones at 11:00 AM
May 31, 2009
Stone Family Photos
One of the really good things to happen in Rome was the cousins were able to meet and we were able to spend time together. Here are some pics from the Stone family.
Brim (John's mom), Ben (John's brother), Jen (Ben's wife) holding Daniel (our nephew), Lee (John's dad), Ellabee, John, Molly and Anne Bailey. The Stone 9
Posted by the stones at 11:00 AM
May 30, 2009
Gratsi from Rome... Georgia
Oh how I wish it was Italy... although I don't because I have my kids with me. Not that I don't love having my girls with me, but in Europe - no, not yet. So, we're in a hotel in Rome, GA having just come in from the wedding and gotten the girls in the bed, 2 hours after their normal bedtime. It was a fun time, and stressful too. The girls are just young. 5 and 2 are hard ages I've decided. The 5 year old is going through that I'm a "big" girl - when she's really not and the 2 year old is, well, two.
Anyway, we've made the most out of it and had a nice visit with John's brother, his wife and son. they live in Berkley, CA so we rarely get to see them. In fact, this is the first time the kids have met.
Here are some pics:
Posted by the stones at 9:59 PM
May 26, 2009
Our First Trip to the Bay of the Summer
We made it down to the Bay for Memorial Day weekend with the family... It was relaxing and fun. Everyday the forecast said that we would be rained out but everyday out came the sun! We got to spend two days on the boat and the rest of the time on the beach. Sand everywhere but it was a ball.
Daddy also killed himself to get the playset moved from Amy's for the girls to play on. The boys ended up enjoying it too. Here are some pics from the weekend.
Posted by the stones at 2:04 PM
May 12, 2009
Coffee Time and Other Ramblings... oh and the Beach!
So, I'm at O'Henry's right now and there is this LOUD couple sitting halfway across the coffee shop having a annoying conversation. For that I must apologize because I'm something distracted wtih eavesdropping.
It was pointed out to me today that I drink A LOT of coffee and caffeine in general - and it struck me that they are right. I'm a caffeine addict. Is that a problem? I'm not sure - I'm going to have to dwell on it a bit more. But thought I'd throw it out there for the sake of disclosure. I'm on a lot of caffeine right now.
John did the 1/2 Ironman last weekend. We loaded up the girls and headed to Panama City Beach (where I'm proud to say I've never been really) for the Ironman weekend. He didn't finish the race, which was very suprising to me. It wasn't a matter of not training enough or mental toughness. He got seasick in the ocean - couldn't have seen that coming. He actually got sick while swimming and apparently he wasn't the only one. As he was swimming he told me that he could hear others getting sick around him. UGH. That's just disgusting.
But the reality was that pulling up from the race and declaring his inability to finish is more of an accomplishment than crossing the finish line. Perhaps he's reaching a point where he's realized that his health and his life are more important than accomplishment. Of course, imagine my suprise when he immediately emailed me Monday morning with a list of races he wants to do in the next 12 months. San Francisco marathon... and then the Augusta 1/2 Ironman... and then there's an Olympic Tri in Gulf Shores... oh and don't forget the 1/2 ironman in PCB again next year. For the love of God.
We're childless this week and enjoying the time to do as we want without having to deal with scheduling and tired children... I miss my girls but the respite is nice and much needed (on a side note, the obnoxious couple are still going and a woman has come in with her dog - interesting). I miss the pitter patter of feet in the morning and the sweet touch of Anne Bailey on my leg at night, but I'm also enjoying being a lone with my thoughts... and having some free time to focus on my friends and my husband. To care for them this week is a pleasure and joy indeed.
And then I had a breakthrough last night. John and I had to go to the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham's annual meeting. it's one of those see and be seen type of events. A damned if you do and damned if you don't type thing. I always enjoy seeing the people that i've missed but there's always someone there that I spend a good amount of time watching so that I can duck behind something when they look my way. You know those type of people... anyway. John and I went and talked and smiled and smoozed. We saw some friends but saw a lot more people that I haven't really missed. You see, two years ago, I was in the middle of that madness. I wanted to be seen and noticed, etc. In fact, I would have been pretty geared up to be there when it started and stay until the last person left. Not anymore. I don't know if it's a maturity of thought or what can be attributed to this newfound freedom... I personally think that it's a realization that it's not me in the first place. I'm here to be used for God's kingdom and his Glory. I'm not here for me.
John's breakthrough was last night. When we got into the car after the stuffy obligatory cocktail event, he looked at me and declared, "I feel like I need a shower!" And it wasn't because it was hot in there. As we drove away we discussed how it is important to go to those meetings, but solely because we can keep the connections that are used to help others. It's important to keep a toe in the water but we don't have to swim in the muck anymore. As if to redeem the whole evening, I left John to run over to a meeting for a small little ministry seeking to help in the city. It's a ministry in desperate need of someone who has a toe in the water. It was as if God was saying - this is why I've put you here... OK ESTHER ... for such a time as this.
To God be the ultimate glory. Use me to further your kingdom.
Posted by the stones at 4:48 PM
May 11, 2009
beach babies
Here are some pictures from the weekend in PCB... sad to say, my girl's first true trip to the beach!
Posted by the stones at 5:02 PM
Apr 25, 2009
Retreats, Popcorn and Deep Thoughts
Things have been moving right along at the House of Stone. The girls are getting ready for summer, asking for trips to the pool (I have yet to give in on that one), chasing down the icecream truck and spending quite a lot of time in the back (and front) yards. I'm reminded daily of just how fast they are growing.
Ellabee heads off to Kindergarten in the fall and I feel an impending sense of dread. I have five more months with her at home, with no schedule and no obligations and then she's out - on the way to becoming a young lady. I know, she's only 5 but it certainly feels that way. She is going to Westminster in the fall and one of their primary distinctives is a 12 to K focus. Meaning... instead of looking at the child and developing a curriculum around that, we look at the adult we hope they will become and develop the curriculum needed to acheive those results. I guess in reading about that and thinking through our parenting and our children, I hope about the women this little ladies will become but somewhat dread that time when we send them off into the world, down the aisle or wherever the Lord may lead them.
I've been reflecting on James 4 a lot lately. Not only is my firstborn about to begin the journey to school, etc but I'm looking at my first true class of seniors at Restoration. These are kids that though I've known them for only 12 months, they've become ingrained in my heart and on my mind. I think of and pray for them almost as much as my own children and I have so many hopes for the adults they are becoming. James 4: 13 - 15 says:
Now listen, you who say, "today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little hwile and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."
So many times, I make my plans, figure out my hopes and in doing so, invite God along for the ride. "Here is my plan God... come along if you like." When instead, I should say "God what is your plan. where would you have me. What is your hope for my children?" And then I'm looking at celebrating the baptism of a precious Covenant child tomorrow with dear friends who happen to be the parents. What's amazing to me is that his steps are already numbered. God knows what will happen in sweet Cobb's life. God knows what we will grow up to be. The mystery is that we are encourage to have hopes and dreams for these covenant children... even though the story is already written. It's a mystery... so much of life is.
And then there's the mundane. A last minute trip to a retreat for church that was an incredible blessing, the start of a bible study at church, eating popcorn in the backyard and ongoing frustration that I cannot seem to get it all done. If I sew, the house doesn't get cleaned. If i spend time with a sister in Christ, I end up dropping the ball on something else. Work, home. Children, friends. Husband, parents. It all runs together sometimes and I wonder if this IS god's will and path... and then I haphazardly pick up a book by Elisabeth Elliot... a choice made not because I wanted the book, but I forgot a magazine and was faced with three hours getting my hair done. I grabbed this one because of two things: 1. the title spoke to me, 2. I knew this author and was hesitant to grab someone with whose theology I'm not familiar...
Here's the opening quote from Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot:
Do Not Rush. Trust. And Keep a Quiet Heart
I think I find most help in trying to look on all the interruptions and hindrances to work that one has planned out for oneself as discipline, trials sent by God to help one against getting selfish over one's work. Then one can feel that perhaps one's true work - one's work for God - consists in doing some trifling haphazard ting that has been thrown into one's day. It is not a waste of time, that has been thrown into one's day. It is not a waste of time, as one is tempted to think, it is the most important part of the work of the day - the part one can best offer to God. After such a hindrance, do not rush after the planned work; trust that the time to finish it will be given sometime, and keep a quiet heart about it.
- Annie Keary, 1825 - 1979
And then I'm reminded. The raising of young women after God's heart. The work I do with our seniors at RA. The house cleaning. The porch sitting. It's all a "haphazard" attempt a pleasing God... when in reality, i don't TRY at all. It's like God removes the pride and my ability to offer it by keeping me in chaos so that it is truly a work unto him. Offered from a broken selfish mess of a woman who is really REALLY seeking just to be at the feet of Christ.
Here are some pics from our week ... even they are haphazard!
Posted by the stones at 6:45 PM