Nov 30, 2007

Starting the Holidays

It's Christmas... we're cutting down trees. Anyone for some Joni Mitchell? We can't have a real tree because of our cat. Frank loves to "nest" in real trees, so after having a real tree the first couple of years we had the cats, we realized that a fake tree was the way to go for us. I kindof miss the whole going out and cutting down the tree, etc... but the hassle of watering, it shedding, etc. is not something I miss. Anyway, it's coming on Christmas and other people are cutting down trees.

We decorated the house so that we could set off to sunny Florida for a week at Disney. Woo Hoo! I think John and I are more excited than the girls (well, Ellabee) are. I'm not sure she gets the magnitude of Disney World because she asked me if it's as big as our house. Hum... not sure how to quanitfy the size of Disney World for a three year old. Just something she's going to have to see for herself, I guess.

I've been reading that book, The Unofficial Guide to Disney World... hum, those people are a bit fanatical, but we're going to take some of their suggestions. It's been helpful in thinking through schedules, napping and what to take. I recommend it but like other "how to" books - take it all with a grain of salt. Hopefully I will be able to report the success of my research when we return next week.

Until then, here are some pics from our early morning Christmas card shoot. The girls did great (it may have been that I got them up, put them in their dresses and we went immediately downstairs - so that there was no time for dissension in the ranks):