It's Christmas... we're cutting down trees. Anyone for some Joni Mitchell? We can't have a real tree because of our cat. Frank loves to "nest" in real trees, so after having a real tree the first couple of years we had the cats, we realized that a fake tree was the way to go for us. I kindof miss the whole going out and cutting down the tree, etc... but the hassle of watering, it shedding, etc. is not something I miss. Anyway, it's coming on Christmas and other people are cutting down trees.
We decorated the house so that we could set off to sunny Florida for a week at Disney. Woo Hoo! I think John and I are more excited than the girls (well, Ellabee) are. I'm not sure she gets the magnitude of Disney World because she asked me if it's as big as our house. Hum... not sure how to quanitfy the size of Disney World for a three year old. Just something she's going to have to see for herself, I guess.
I've been reading that book, The Unofficial Guide to Disney World... hum, those people are a bit fanatical, but we're going to take some of their suggestions. It's been helpful in thinking through schedules, napping and what to take. I recommend it but like other "how to" books - take it all with a grain of salt. Hopefully I will be able to report the success of my research when we return next week.
Until then, here are some pics from our early morning Christmas card shoot. The girls did great (it may have been that I got them up, put them in their dresses and we went immediately downstairs - so that there was no time for dissension in the ranks):
Nov 30, 2007
Starting the Holidays
Posted by the stones at 8:15 AM
Nov 29, 2007
Coolest Aunt in the World! No really, I just work at a cool place
I'm so excited that I was finally able to show my nephews (and adopted neices - Brooke and Caroline) where I work. The kids had a great time and I think the adults did too. Mother had never been to the science center!
Posted by the stones at 3:05 PM
Many Many Many Blessings for which to be Thankful
Thanksgiving in the Dobson / Stone household snuck up on us this year! Among the craziness of being in a new house and Thanksgiving Day on her Birthday, Mother still hosted the family (45 adults, 17 children) at her house the night before. Very few pics were taken, but the ones which were are precious!
Posted by the stones at 2:59 PM
And the Seat has FLIPPED
Warning - Bad Mom Alert!!!!
I couldn't stand it any more. Anne Bailey is 2 weeks from 1 year and weighs 19 lbs... so, 2 weeks early and 1 lb early I flipped her seat around. You would have thought that Christmas had come early!!! The kicking and screaming and joyous laughing lasted for the entire ride out to Maw Maw's for Thanksgiving. Woo Hoo! We're forward facing now!
Posted by the stones at 2:56 PM
Nov 15, 2007
In the Middle of Chaos
Ok... I know y'all hear me say alot that our life is in complete chaos... but it really is right now. John and I have had a babysitter at our house 8 times in the past 14 days! EIGHT times - and they are going to Near and Dear (Children's Hospital employee daycare) and have Miss Elizabeth coming Saturday night. And the crazy part of it is that 6 of the 8 times were for work related events. Events. Ellabee can tell you what an event is. I think she's smart - so smart - but I also think that's somewhat sad that she can tell you what an "event" is. Anyway, just what's on my brain right now.
And then there's perspective. A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer Friday. She and I job-share so we work very closely together but in addition to that, we are good friends. It's really hit me hard. She's 27 weeks pregnant with her 2nd child, will be 31 years next week and she's just a precious friend. And she has breast cancer. I don't really know what to say about that. It's just like my other dear friend... a dear friend who I don't speak with often but love dearly... who was just diagnosed with MS. Multiple Sclerosis. She's 31 too, three children (under 5) and a dear friend. And I ask God why... why do you allow these things to happen? Where are you at work? I believe in your providence, God... but I wonder Why.
And yet, Romans 5.... Romans 5.
So, I'm sorry I've been remiss in posting. I'm not sure I have much to post about. I will leave you with some Ellabeeisms that I was blessed with this week:
When told that if she let go of her balloon, it would fly up to Jesus -
"Mommy, does Jesus have a lot of balloons in heaven?"
"He does, honey, but Jesus also has a lot of hurts to deal with so he needs balloons."
"Mommy, I'm going to send my balloon up to Jesus so he can have a party." [lets go of the balloon] "fly to Jesus balloon, fly to Jesus."
We've had to discuss what happens when people / animals die (just been asking some questions) - which we tell her that they go to live with Jesus and because Jesus is SO awesome, they don't want to leave. So, when we misplaced blanks for a couple of hours:
[crying hysterically] "has blanks gone to live with Jesus?!?!? I want him to come back!"
So, chaos - with two little people in the middle of it keeping it sane. And praise the Lord for that.
Posted by the stones at 7:37 PM
Nov 1, 2007
Treats with some Tricks!
Halloween came quickly this year! Can anyone believe that it came so very quickly? I can't believe even that it's already November 1st. And a Happy Saints Day to everyone. I have every good intention to head to chapel today to thank God for the Saints... all of them... but my day got away from me and as it normally does, it was 4:45 and time to start wrapping up the day.
Last night was fun. For the first time in her life, Ellabee GOT the whole Trick or Treating scene. Every house we left, she, Audrey and Elle were screaming, "Can we go to one more". Of course we went and of course, we made it through about 8 houses before they were asking to ride in their strollers and yawning uncontrollably, but alas - what a fun time! We have such good friends and such great kids AND many more moments and memories to make. Here are some from last night:
Future farmers... driving the tractor with Elle (the catapillar), Ellabee (Ariel) and Audrey (the princess cheerleader)
Hanging with the girlie girls
Posted by the stones at 8:57 PM
Back from the Land of Sleep - well, Kindof
A week. At first a week sounded like heaven. A week away - even better. A week away in San Francisco for a family wedding. And off we went, leaving both our daughters with Maw Maw and heading west. And it was a good trip. We enjoyed seeing San Francisco again (8 years ago, we honeymooned there) but a week... well, a week was too long. Wow, how we missed these girls. These girls who had me wanting to pull each curl from my head. These girls who I kept saying I just wanted to head off to California for a refresher. And there we were, crying because we missed these girls.
Here are some pics from the trip... enjoy!
The bride and groom listening to the band... a country band playing the Oklahoma Stomp with the Asian lead singer - only in California!
Anne and John in front of the fountain at Salsalito.
Unvited guests at the wedding! We came out of the rehearsal and found a flock of turkeys in the courtyard... yes, TURKEYS... but then again, it was Berkeley!
On top of Pacific Heights looking down on the Presidio... You would NOT believe the houses up there. There was one on the market for $45 million!
Posted by the stones at 8:28 PM