Sep 12, 2007

Here She Goes Again, Another Milestone

Anne Bailey is pulling up! Yes, my life is about to change drastically. Out come the baby gates and other barriers which block her in rooms (or off of the stairs). AND, she has started crawling on her knees. Unlike my experience with Ellabee, I have learned to keep the camera readily accessible for these milestones - so here are some pics from our exciting week of firsts:

What a face - Anne bailey was pulling up on the stool where I work at my laptop in the playroom. Had to catch this just this morning.
This is the moment she first pulled up on something... her toy box (well, ok - it's one of the laundry baskets that I keep to organize their toys. She got what she was going after!
Uhm, mommy... can you help me with this rather large toy... I can't seem to get it out.
Crawling on our knees!!! Wow...