Sep 26, 2007

Baby Gates... a metaphor

So, in Anne Bailey's new found mobility, I trucked up to the attic and pulled down the baby gates. I also promptly ordered one for the kitchen... gates. Gates all over my house. As I started to think about having to section off the house I started thinking about how we do that in life. Isn't it true that we have babygates all throughout who we are. I mean, I tell you what I want you to know. I show you the deepest part of myself - well, the deepest part of myself that I want you to see.

I brought the baby gates out today when Anne Bailey made a go for the stairs. I, as her mom, have a duty to keep her off the stairs... to keep her safe and yet - am I taking away from her the very thing that God wants us to have? The curiosity of spirit? The ability to go out into the world and get to know his creation? Am I already teaching her that as long as you stay in the boundaries all will be well? And perhaps that's what I'm supposed to teach her, but the rebel in my heart yells no!

And then again, is there really anything we can hide from God? And is there anything we can do to tame a spirit that calls us into his creation, into a world of exploration?

"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. " (luke 8: 16-17)

So, we live in a gated off house again... much to the shagrin of Fennigan and Ellabee (and my back which will have to be used to lift Ellabee over the gates). But praise God from whom all blessings flow that my child can crawl and explore and be curious.

The moment of truth - I can't get to where I just got!