Oct 1, 2008

Christmas and Confessions

So, it feels pretty nice to have Christmas for my girls (presents from the jolly man that is) done by the end of September! I finised off Anne Bailey's today and now have a 5 foot x 3 foot x 2 foot box in the back of my car that I am trying to hide from the 4 year old... yeah, didn't quite think that one out. Ellabee is getting a bike this year and Anne Bailey is getting a little roller coaster thing - like they have at kid's gym in Vestavia. The bike is still at the bike shop... didn't think that out either.

I found this at Sams - for about 1/2 the price they sell it for at amazon!!!! Of course I grabbed it, but without thinking through the ramifications of purchasing a very large present 3 full months before Christmas! HELP! Any storage space available? I'm hoping my parents will help me take it to F'hope, along with Ellabee's bike that we also found this weekend.
Ok... enough about Christmas... confessions. I have been thinking about confessing some things for a while.
Confession 1: I throw dog poop over our back yard fence into our neighbors yard... I must qualify this that his back yard is really a mosquito breeding battleground that is overgrown with weeds and various car parts he's thrown there. The area that I use as our personal pooper scooper removal depot is also the same place where, four years ago, he decided to burn trash, in the middle of Birmingham, and proceeded to build a 6 foot high bon fire that almost burned my house down AND melted the vinyl siding off his.
Confession 2: I called the fire department. He, to this day, doesn't know it was me... but it was. Our house is 102 years old - made of wood and would go up like London in the 1600s. I CALLED THE FIRE DEPARTMENT
Confession 3: I ate two pieces of chocolate cake tonight... and justified it because the recipe had 4 zuchinis cut up in it - that makes it healthy, right?
OK, so I feel better. Lighter even... well, my mind is lighter... my body - well, heavier (remember, 2 pieces of cake).