Jan 20, 2008

Oh the Weather Outside....

is delicious!

Ask any Southerner and we'll tell you - snow doesn't happen often but when it does - wow! We anticipated the snow for three days which even spurred a Thursday evening run to the grocery store for milk and bread. I can't relly expain why exactly I had to go buy milk and bread - but I did. Just that - milk and bread. how funny!

Then, we waited and it came! Ellabee flipped out! Seriously flipped out. We bundled up in what ever snow clothing we had (which wasn't much) and went out into it. I had forgotten just how wet and cold you get in the snow but what fun. Ellabee made a snow angel and a snow man - her life long dreams realized.

And then, in the spirit of a perfect southern snowstorm - it was over and the snow melted in two hours. WITH NO LOSS OF POWER!

Not too sure what to think about the snow, Ellabee and Fennigan would romp around in it for about three minutes and then run inside to warm up.

OK, I will admit that this was a publicity shot. The news was asking for snow pictures and we took our own to send it - strategically placed in fr0nt of the NBC peacock on red mountain. Not sure if we got on the news or not, but that was the public relations side of us coming out.

The only one equipped to be in the snow was Anne Bailey - thanks to a snow suit Maw Maw brought us from Colorado last year. We'll be putting it to use again during the Mercedes Marathon in three weeks - it's always SOOOO cold.

Fennigan couldn't seem to figure out the snow either. He just took to barking in the air at the snowflakes.

Ellabee and her snowman - before he had hair.