Oct 13, 2007

This Life in Girl World

I love my sister... I absolutely adore my sister, but I do remember a time where we didn't want to breathe the same air! That was when we were teenagers, but still... I love my sister. It's amazing to see the love between sisters already surfacing between my girls. And yet - I'm seeing glimpses where they don't want to breathe the same air. Are we just born that way?

Ellabee has such a big heart and she adores Anne Bailey - however, she's also figured out that she can make Anne Bailey cry. So, this we do about 20 times each day. But then on the flip side, Anne Bailey keeps coming back for more. Already I can see the adoration in her eyes for sister. Here are some pics from the past week or so. It's been a little crazy in our life with events, responsibilities and ear infections... but we've shared some laughs along the way.

Look who found the recycling bin...

Yes, a cheesy self portrait, but I love it none-the-less.

As of right now, she wants to be a mermaid for Halloween. Now, we've worn this costume for a week - I'm sure on October 30th, she'll change her mind.

Oct 8, 2007


I've been longing for community a lot lately. I've been longing to be in community... to be in communion ... with others who think like I do, who can laugh at the things I laugh at, who can understand where i'm coming from. I've been longing to be in community. Community - we've changed what that very word means. This blog world we now live in is called a "community". Albeit it's online, but it's an online community. I even feel like we commune with others the easy ways these days - through a cell phone, over email ... over a blog. I had a friend once that got her feelings hurt when I encouraged her to read our blog when she asked what was going on in my life.

seriously, I told her to read our blog - is that what it's become? I love the ability of a blog to put pictures or stories, or deepest thoughts out there for anyone at any time to stumble across. I've really had my spirit lifted by many of the blogs I stumble across. I read the blogs by these women who somewhere out there are going through many of the same things that I am (and some much worse). Are they sitting at their laptop right now, in the final moments before nap time for the 10 month old is over. Are they typing their feelings because something has been on their mind? And why are they putting it out there? And yet, we've replaced community and communion for a onesided discussion... I type, you read - I can even block you from responding (although I haven't). Perhaps the longing of my heart is not for community or communion with others - but communion with Jesus.

I've felt pretty stagnant lately in my walk with Him. I have felt pretty isolated from his presence and yet, I keep being reminded of what a dear old friend once told me - "you must feel the absence of God to understand and appreciate his presence". I'm appreciating the need for his presence more and more. I hear gentle whispers of Him from time to time and yet, here I sit, waiting on him to seek me. Isn't that what he tells us to do - Be Still and KNOW... be still and know. Two of the hardest things I think to do - to be still is to not take action. To Know is to not doubt... just to know.

whispers... oh God, continue to whisper and pursue and pull me back to you.