Jul 11, 2007

Hey Batter Batter Batter - SWING Batter

What can I say? It's in this girl's blood. Ellabee had some much fun playing baseball with Chancellor and Garrison at the Bay that we just had to go and get the girl a bat and a ball! She's actually pretty good! Of course, her mom and dad couldn't stay out of the batting practice so we had our own little competition - who can bat it across the street to Gran D's. I'll put it this way, John couldn't - in fact, I almost couldn't because i was laughing so hard at John as he pitched the wiffle balls at me and then ducked behind the picket fence to protect himself. Alas, I'm old (31 in a week) because in the batting practice, I pulled a muscle in my back and now I can't really stand up straight - getting old stinks!

Here's the little batter - Alabama here we come!

Check out that stance!

"squaring up" on home plate