Sep 2, 2008

A Prayer for Morning Coffee Time

I really love my coffee. Man, I really REALLY love my coffee. There's something about the warmth of the cup and having the coffee pot to return to a couple of times. With each sip, I usually am praying through my day - things I need to get accomplished, things I hope don't happen, things I hope do. Prayers for my children and my husband and my friends and family. prayers for patience and ability to mother my children lovingly but sternly. Prayer that I get it all done.

I went to the bookstore today - do you know they actually have stores with only books in them? - and came across a couple of books for John and I to read through together. One caught my eye: Prayers for People Under Pressure by Johnathan Aitken. Aitken, apparently, is quite the controversial figure in the UK. He was jailed for perjury after serving in Parliament and met Christ there. He has since published multiple books and essays about the Christian faith. As I was flipping through the pages, I came upon this prayer by another person I've never heard of and am therefore wary - Richard J Foster, a Quaker pastor. I want to research a little more about these men, but I'm intrigued. Anyway, here's the prayer that stuck with me and now is taped up above my coffee spot so that I see it each morning:

Somehow, Jesus, I like praying with a cup of coffee in my hands. I guess the warmth of the cup settles me and speaks with the warmth of your love. I hold the cup against my cheek and listen, hushed and still. I blow on the coffee and drink. O Spirit of God, blow across my little life and let me drink in your great life.

Come Lord Jesus, come in the coffee moments and quiet moments and remind me that each moment is sacred.