OK, so I came across this plaque in the Hallmark shop today while at the mall with my dear friend Catherine. It was one of those things that caught my eye, I quickly read it and then stopped in my tracks and knew I had to have it. I didn't even know how much it was (I was glad to find out it was only $15) but it was just one of those things.
I told John just the other day that I felt like we needed a family mission statement. Both of us spend SO much time doing strategic planning for the various non-profits in which we're involved but when it comes to our family and if we're on target for our family's strategic plan - well, we just operate on a day to day basis. We're facing some decisions in the near future and I want to make sure that as we make these decisions, just as we would when chairing a non-profit, are inline with our family strategic plan. I know, I know it's kindof sad that I want to do a SWOT analysis and formulate a mission statement for our family - BUT this is also the family that operates off of synced blackberries!
SO, anyway, I think this saying on the plaque is part of our vision (not our mission) statement. This is the statement that says what we want to be. This is what we want to be. We don't always get there, but it's my vision for the home we can and aspire to be.
The Stone Vision Statement:
In this home..
We do second chances.
We do grace.
We do real.
We do mistakes.
We do I'm sorrys.
We do loud really well.
We do hugs.
We do family.
We do love.
As for a mission statement. Maybe I can find that somewhere at a gas station or something. Afterall - I did find Anne Bailey's most favorite book - "Jesus and the Twelve Dudes Who Did" in a gas station in Conecuh County, Alabama.
5 years ago